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For a limited time - Enroll in this course for free!  Join over 6500 students who have enrolled in Kara's courses to learn HR Insider Tips on finding work in the Now Economy! Get Hired: Bring Your Interview A-Game Being a skilled interviewer isn't just for a lucky few...Learn insider tips from HR expert Kara Smith on interviewing to land the winning offer!  As a corporate and executive recruiter, Kara has extensive knowledge of what hiring managers are REALLY looking for in candidates.  For the best jobs, the market continues to be competitive.  To get that promotion or that job you REALLY want ... takes more than great experience. "Bring Your Interview A-Game" is for job seekers who want to feel more confident with interviewing...and ultimately accepting an offer with confidence and clarity. Gain a strategic edge during interviews and be in the BEST position to land offers Navigate and negotiate offers with clarity and confidence Launch customized 90-day on boarding strategy Confidence in interviewing can be mastered with the right preparation. This course helps job seekers learn the corporate insider tips on interviewing to land a winning offer.  Then, learn how to skillfully navigate, negotiate, and accept or decline an offer with confidence and clarity.  Bonus material:  After you accept the offer ... its time to get ready to start this new job. Learn the best of the best tips to on board into your new role. Learn simple strategies that will help you jump right in and be successful in your first 90 days. What you get: Lifetime access to course Editable Workbook Bonus Video Lectures on success in the first 90 days Self-Published e-Book "Bring Your Interview A-Game" A Few Testimonials: "Your advice to look at what we've already done, and identify when and where and by what that spark of interest and energy ignited, and to build on that recognition instead of focusing forward into that fog--well, for me it's a whole new way of thinking." Wendy "I participated in Kara's powerful e-course, “How to Discover, Invent, and Launch your Ideal Work & Life" ... and was thrilled with the content and online delivery. I am currently participating in the weekly "Get Hired" series and again, am impressed with the amount of helpful information that is provided in each session." Jo-Ann Giving Back & Paying it Forward: A portion of the proceeds of the project Soul of Work will be donated quarterly to the non-profit: The Cara Program, based in Chicago, Illinois. The Cara Program has evolved as not only a best-in-class job training and placement provider for individuals affected by homelessness and poverty, but also a vehicle for true life transformation.  Consider donating to transform a life through work today at the Soul of Work dot org website.  thank you,
    Building a successful new product and brand is an incredible experience . Startups all over the world are tackling new opportunities, 100-year-old corporations are investing millions in the next big thing...yet time and time again, talented people build products that never succeed. " I've seen so many startups struggle and build something that no one wants wasting precious time and resources. I'm going to force entrepreneurs to take this course so that they end up building something the customer needs the first time around!" - John Peterson At the core of all successful products and marketing is knowing who your customers are, what they need, and why they need it. And you won't get the answers to these make-or-break questions by having a bunch of meetings within your company — you get them from talking to your customers! In fact, two hours of customer interviews can literally save you 6 months of building the wrong thing. You learn who your customers are, what they need, and why they need it . You learn what to build, and what not to build. You're marry your vision with customer understanding to hit the sweet spot. People know this, but few actually do interviews … Where do I find people to talk to? What do I ask them? Can't I just send around a survey? How do I not bias or lead them? How do I turn these interviews into tactical takeaways? How do I get my boss or colleagues to buy in? We created this course specifically to answer those questions. I've worked with and trained hundreds of product teams from venture backed startups, to accelerators such as TechStars, to corporate innovation labs and product teams. Knowing how to effectively interview potential customers is key, and if you work with products or want to enable product success, I'd like to cordially invite you to take a straight and to-the-point dive into Customer Interviewing for New Product/Brand Success. See you in the course! P.S. Here's what past students have had to say: " This tactical approach to validating demand for a new product/service is arguably the best resource I've come across when it comes to refining my practice of "lean startup" principles." - Rob Caucci "I've worked with many startup teams and using the interviewing methods outlined in this course, we've been able to make decisions on how to move forward with our product based on actual evidence versus our assumptions." - Andrea Luxenberg " I've attended Sam's workshops in NYC, and this course captures his exact style: direct, informative, actionable. I love having all this content at my fingertips now." - Steve Dean
      ### Enroll in the NEW Salesforce Lightning Web Component Development Course #### If you are looking to prepare for your upcoming Salesforce Interview, you are at right place!! If you're looking for Salesforce Interview Questions with Answers for Freshers and Experienced, you are at right place. The demand for Salesforce professionals increased across different industries which resulted in increase of job opportunities for Salesforce Developers, Salesforce Administrators, and Salesforce Business Analysts. Huge increase in demand for Salesforce Professionals!! Increased number of businesses are signing contracts every day for using Salesforce which is why there is a huge demand for Salesforce skills, knowledge and expertise . Even smaller companies are investing in Salesforce and larger companies are upgrading their Salesforce systems to fulfil their requirements for customized applications. This has in turn increased the number of people attending interviews for Salesforce. Why do you need this course? We don't have enough of resources available for Salesforce interview questions. An open discussion with a Salesforce expert will definitely help you understand what questions do we expect in a Salesforce interview.  Interview questions are not straightforward. These days employers are asking lot of scenario-based questions which is difficult to answer if you don't have real-time experience. That's why this course will be very helpful!! I would highly recommend you to start with our Interview Preparation course which covers all the important interview questions related to Out-of-the-box features of Salesforce, Apex and Visualforce. This course has plenty of scenario based questions as well. If you are fresher and want to get a feel of interview,then this course is for you. If you are a experienced salesforce developer and looking to brush up your skills, then this course is also for you. This course covers all the important topics which interviewer loves to ask!! Take our Salesforce Interview Questions Course and prepare yourself for your next interview. You never know, you might come across the same questions. Hopefully this helps you land a top-notch job in the domain of your passion. In case you recently attended a Salesforce interview,  we request you to post any question you have faced. We will be happy to answer them for you.
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        Apache Hive is one of the most popular and useful technology in Data Science and Data engineering world. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use Apache Hive. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Data Science field. Data Engineer and Software Engineers with Apache Hive knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Apache Hive knowledge. In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on Apache Hive in Software Development. I will explain you the important concepts of Apache Hive. You will also learn the benefits and use cases of Apache Hive in this course. What is the biggest benefit of this course to me? Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview. It is good to learn Apache Hive for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on Apache Hive, you can not convert your Apache Hive knowledge into higher salary. What are the topics covered in this course? We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Apache Hive, Hive architecture, Hive deep concepts, Hive tricky questions etc. How will this course help me? By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Apache Hive interview questions. We have already compiled the list of most popular and latest Apache Hive Interview questions. Are there answers in this course? Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation. What is the best way of viewing this course? You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Apache Hive field. What is the level of questions in this course? This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional. What happens if Apache Hive concepts change in future? From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Apache Hive. What are the sample questions covered in this course? Sample questions covered in this course are as follows: How will you improve the performance of a program in Hive? Can we use Hive for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems? How will you change the data type of a column in Hive? What is Metastore in Hive? What is SerDe in Hive? What are the components in Hive data model? What are the different modes in which we can run Hive? What are the main components of Hive? What is the use of Hive in Hadoop eco-system? What Collection/Complex data types are supported by Hive? What is the use of .hiverc file in Hive? How will you run Unix commands from Hive? What is the purpose of USE command in Hive? What is the precedence order in Hive configuration? How will you display header row with the results of a Hive query? Can we create multiple tables in Hive for a data file? How does CONCAT function work in Hive? How will you change settings of a Hive session? How will you rename a table in Hive without using ALTER command? What is the difference between SORT BY and ORDER BY in Hive? What is the use of strict mode in Hive? What is the use of IF EXISTS clause in Hive statements? What is the use of PURGE in DROP statement of Hive? What are the main limitations of Apache Hive? What is the difference between HBase and Hive? What is ObjectInspector in Hive? What are the main components of Query Processor in Apache Hive? How will you resolve an out of memory error while running a JOIN query? What are the different SerDe implementations in Hive? What is the use of HCatalog? What is the Data Model of HCatalog? What is RLIKE operator in Hive? Can we use same name for a TABLE and VIEW in Hive? How will you load data into a VIEW in Hive? What is Bucketing in Hive? What are the pros and cons of archiving a partition in Hive? What are the table generating functions in Hive? How can we specify in Hive to load an HDFS file in LOAD DATA? What is a Skewed table in Hive? What is the use of CLUSTERED BY clause during table creation in Hive? What is a Managed table in Hive? How will you prevent data to be dropped or queried from a partition in Hive? What is the use of TOUCH in ALTER statement? How does OVERWRITE clause work in CREATE TABLE statement in Hive? What are the options to connect an application to a Hive server? How TRIM and RPAD functions work in Hive? How will you recursively access sub-directories in Hive? What is the optimization that can be done in SELECT * query in Hive? What is the use of ORC format tables in Hive? What are the main use cases for using Hive? What is STREAMTABLE in Hive?
          Recognize the importance of good talent, but find it difficult to drawn excellent candidates for your organization? Hired major duds in the past? Hiring is a complicated aspect of building an organization, and something most people get 100% wrong! But those that do build long-lasting brands, massive empires, and companies that spur innovation. The difference between hiring right and hiring wrong can be the life or death of an entire organization. Unfortunately, you probably don't know the best practices of hiring. My name is Mark Forman and I work with Fortune 500 companies to improve their organization, and one area that usually needs improvement is their hiring process. In this course you will learn: The failures of the hiring process you are using now How to hire the best person for the job (not the best interviewer) Matching candidates with job competencies How to prepare as the job interviewer A whole lot more These are the same strategies that have generated millions in increased efficiency and output of companies all over the world. Hire the best, be the best. Enroll now.
            Originally designed for those conducting video interviews, this course is finding favour also with those interviewing on audio (podcasts, radio) and for text (articles, blogs etc). The lessons you learn here can be applied across all these formats. Did you know that interviewing is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to rapidly create quality content that will boost your business in multiple ways? Whether it be on camera, podcast or for blogging? JOIN OVER 2400 STUDENTS ALREADY TAKING THIS COURSE! Be taught by a proven expert Start doing fantastic interviews, with no outlay and no experience whatsoever. Become an accomplished interviewer rapidly and easily by following this course. "Thorough explanation of interviewing for video, covering all the essentials, pleasantly explained at a pace that is just right for most people. " This course was designed primarily for video interviews - the hardest form to master - yet will give you the skills to apply across any medium. Video, audio or text. When you can do it for video, you can easily for it for the other mediums. Plus - you can re-purpose video content into the other mediums. Once you know the key techniques and approaches, interviewing is a very effective way to generate fresh and original content that can punch through the multitude of dross out there. It's a key tool for you to boost your brand, reputation and business! If you're looking for great interviews without some study and effort, please don't take this course. You'll need to study the course, step-by-step and implement its teaching to enjoy success. All you need to get started is the time to follow the course, a pen and paper and willingness to learn . " I have learned so much that I can and will apply to my craft. Thank You! " NOW includes step-by-step slides to help you progress rapidly! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ About this course: Over 2000 happy students! No previous experience, equipment or anything else is required Full, free lifetime access All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30 day money back guarantee-that's a personal promise from me to you of your success! Now includes full set of slides to help you quickly follow the lectures " Although I'm only training for having interviews in my podcast, Paul's course is a great help. He provided me a lot of helpful details, especially in the "Interviewing is an Art" section. Especially the lessons about preparation and how to raise questions were extremely supportive. " SEE HOW I GET: Outstanding interviews every time that help build my brand, reputation and income Interviews that attract audiences and positive reviews around the world Excellent relationships and interviews with leading personalities in politics, business and the online world " Now much more confident to get out there and interview relevant people. An interview, well done, will add immensely to my product as well as provide valuable insights to my niche. Thank you :) " You won't need any prior experience or specialist equipment to get started with this. I show you how to approach, plan, conduct, edit and distribute interviews of whatever length. I go step-by-step, and hold nothing back. I give concrete examples of how to plan and conduct great interviews. You are not only getting a course in this essential skill, you're getting insights into how a professional film director thinks, plans and executes his work. Regardless of whether you have experience in filmmaking and interviewing already, this course will help you hugely to advance your skills to immediately start creating outstanding content for your blogs, social media, videos and films and elsewhere. " I was really impressed not only at Paul's knowledge of every aspect of video interviewing, but also at his easy way of talking me through it. He has clearly thought through some of the subtler issues, like video's capacity for conveying emotion better than other media can. This is a really thoughtfully designed course that will help people who need or want to learn all the ins and outs of video interviewing. " You'll learn: What is a great interview Why do great interviews How to use interviews How to plan the interviews How to think about the three key choices with video interviews How to choose the interviewee How to choose locations An insider technique called “magic hour" Why time planning matters The “art" of video interviewing How to structure and plan an interview Why “emotional intelligence" is crucial for success What kinds of questions to ask and why How to get the gold in video interviewing How to achieve technical perfection with your video interviews How to save time and money when editing video interviews How to become a star interviewer and use this to enhance your reputation and brand … And much more!
              It's not secret that most hiring managers don't actually get good at interviewing and hiring . One of the causes is not getting enough practice, sure. But not having a quantitative approach with evidence-based questions , measuring skills, traits and outcomes for these is the biggest problem. In this course, you are going to learn how to effectively prepare for and conduct quality interviews that generate better candidates.
                This course has been hand-selected by Udemy for the Udemy for Business (UFB) content collection - updated October 2017 Building best-in-class teams, starts with hiring the right people and the interview event is a crucial step in the hiring process. And interview questions are a key component of the interview. Many business owners and managers of small businesses do not possess formal training in conducting interviews, including the techniques required to formulate effective interview questions. This course on Interview Questions will fill that need. By the end of this course, hiring managers will be able to develop professional and effective interview questions to identify a candidate’s: ·       Hard Skills ·       Soft Skills ·       Expertise The course reveals how the job scope determines the requirements that candidates must meet, and how questions are formulated to identify these job requirements . The course is structured such that participants need to invest only about an hour. And by the end of this hour, they will have a bank of 18 questions which can be used “off the shelf”. Real life examples are employed throughout the course. And the questions and sample jobs used in this course have wide applications for several industries. This, coupled with a thorough analysis and reasoning behind the 18 questions, would enable course participants to adapt these questions to suit their particular needs.
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                  One of the most important decisions a company can make is hiring new employees. Good hiring decisions can make or break teams and can have a direct impact on a company's bottom line.  Additionally, increasing diversity in hiring is about more than simple fair hiring practices.  Research shows diverse teams make faster decisions and are more innnovative.  This class is designed to assist managers, supervisors, and HR staff in improving interviewing skills. This IAAP-certified counts for 0.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Operational Functions content area. Email [email protected] with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate.
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                    Preparation is the key to success. In this course, we have covered all major and important details to crack interviews at major MNC companies. In this course curriculum we would like to cover major important points like How to prepare for an interview What to expect from a software development engineer? What are the key aspects that software development engineer should have focus on while preparing for the interview? A level-wise comparison like SDE 1 versus SDE2 versus SDE3 Interview process followed by different companies and different levels of software engineers. What are the competencies that an individual be evaluated on for a Software role at TOP MNC companies? Interview Expectations and sample preparation questions. How to prepare an effective resume where a recruiter will shortlist your profile. Getting your profile shortlisted is very important without will you can even move a step. So we would like to cover the details about what are the key points that individuals should mention on the resume and how to highlight the key points of the key contributions to the project.